Our purpose is to build a better world.

Our Story

We are a builder's collective on a mission to heal through construction. Our conscious choices benefit our clients, their families, our planet, and future generations, inspiring health, wellbeing, and connection in the spaces we create.

Sustainability is at the forefront of our process, prioritized from materials to systems. We design heirloom homes that leave no trace, reducing environmental impact and improving social wellbeing beyond code. Our pride in our work comes from knowing we're creating a better future for our children and yours.

Responsibility is the foundation of our business.

We own our choices and prioritize doing what's right, even when it's not easy. Through responsible decision-making, we create major transformations one step at a time.

Relationship building is at the core of our approach. We take the time to deeply understand our clients' needs and aspirations to deliver exceptional results. Collaboration is key, and we strive to work closely with you, providing guidance and suggestions to design and build the best project possible.

Meet the Team

  • Chris Hill

  • Melissa Fernandes

  • Shane Jago

  • Jon Vendargon

  • Jeff Clarke-Janzen

  • Rebecca Sorbara

  • Mark Reid