A babysitters explanation of BOSS

The other day my 12 year old sister asked me what I was working on.

“Oh you know, I’m just creating a critical open source solution for advancing innovative green building practices towards our collective effort to mitigate climate change and live in healthier, sustainable homes”

Her eyes glazed over approximately 5 words into that sentence. Honestly, mine probably did too. 

It’s easier to explain these sorts of things with metaphors. 

First we’ve got to understand that buildings contribute to climate change. If we want to curb the effects of climate change we need to change how we build.

I think of traditional building practices like playdoh. Each time a builder wants to build a new home, they open a new tub of playdoh. They start from nothing, they open the tub, and make all the parts. They make the rooms, the doors, the roof, all out of the clay. At the end of the day, once the house is all done, there are still bits of clay left in the tub. Extra bits that weren't used. 

If you have ever been around playdoh, you know it can get messy. Somehow it always ends up in the carpet or in your kids' hair. The metaphor here is a bit of a stretch… I’ve never pulled construction materials out of a kid's hair. But the point is - there are cleaner ways to build.

BOSS is the cleaner way to build. Think of BOSS like a series of lego bricks. We’ve done the hard work; we’ve made the bricks. We’ve got some yellow bricks, some blue ones, some long ones, some little ones, and everything in between. Any builder, anywhere, can take our bricks and build a building. Each building can be a unique combination of these bricks. 

By using these bricks, builders don’t have to start from scratch every time and there are less leftover pieces, less waste. BOSS’s lego bricks are prefabricated panels that can be easily repeated to build anything from single family homes to duplexes to townhouses to low rise multifamily buildings. BOSS’s innovation, when adopted by the industry, will help us build more sustainable communities with healthier homes. 

All is to say, when it comes to the environment and our communities - lego bricks are better than playdoh. 


Let’s talk about Climate Change (don’t roll your eyes!)


Benefits of an open source approach